Friday, April 27, 2018

Tag #3

I was tagged by Bri of Forget Not His Benefits to do this really hard Liebster Award tag so I will try.

Rules: Acknowledge the blog that gave it to you and display the award.
-Answer the 11 questions that the blogger gives you.
-Give 11 random facts about yourself. 
-Nominate 11 blogs. 
-Notify those blogs of their nomination. 
-Give them 11 questions to answer. 


1: Who is one person you look up to?
Andrew. He has officially grown taller then me.
Also Mommy.

2: What is the hardest part about blogging for you?
Finding things to blog about and putting it into words.

3: Can you "introduce" us to your family?
In order we are Lee (Daddy), Shelby (Mommy), Bri, Tori, Me (Bethi), Andrew, Abbi, Emmi, Peter, Josiah, Noah, and Baby Bear.
Daddy is the manager of Lifeway Christian Bookstore off Harbison. Mommy Home schools us all but Bri (who has graduated) and Noah (he just turned 2). She is currently expecting Baby Bear who is due on July 22nd. Bri (20) owns an Etsy Shop called Under The Tapestry and works with special needs children and adults. Tori (16) draws, plays piano, and makes us laugh. I (12) enjoy reading and working with felt and peg dolls. Andrew (11) likes Baseball, woodwork, and making the boys jump on him. Abbi (9) and Emmi (7) are full of rainbows and sparkles. They love Shopkins and Ponys. Peter (6) is the family cuddle bug. He loves snuggles and Teddy Bears. Josiah (4) is the leader of the pack. He loves to vacuum and be in charge. Noah (2) loves birds, veggietales, and fish. He is second in command of the pack.

4: What is one blog post you've written that you hope none of your readers miss?
"The Darkness Has Blinded His Eyes".

5: How old were you were you started blogging, and how did you pick your blog title?
I was 9 when I started blogging. I saw a blog called "Joyfully His" so I wanted to call mine "Thankfully His".
Mommy came up with a better one though.

6: What is one skill or talent you have that others might not know you have?
Who is "others"? I can make fairly good clay flowers but my family already knew that.

7:What is your favorite bible verse(s)?
I have no idea.

8: If what you say in answer to this question was the only thing that you left when you died, what is it you would say?
"Farewell my friends".

9: When you have free time, what is the first thing you want to do?

10: What is your favorite fictional story.
"The Lord of the Rings" series.

11: What is one of the quotes that inspires you?
"A drop of ink may make a million think"

Random facts: 1: I accidentally taught myself to make clay flowers one morning. I had been using a book for years and I couldn't figure it out.
2: My favorite subject in school is History.
3: My favorite color is either Spring or Fall. It depends on the season.
4:On December 27 2016 I started Christmas presents for Christmas 2017.
5: I invented a Spineless Spea Spudge. It is like a 3 legged Octopus with horns.
6: 4 things that I plan on doing in the future is owning a doll house collection, having a big flower garden, being a florist, and working at Starbucks.
7: The scariest movie that I have watched is a tie between "The Haunted House" Andy Griffith and "The Muppet Movie".
8: I decorate my part of the room in Pink, Purple, Animals, and Butterflies.
9: I burn the eggs every time I make them.
10: When writing a blog post, I click save 10 times every time that I leave.
11: I am currently reading "Caddie Woodlawn".

Questions: 1: How many blogs do you read?
2:Which is your favorite?
3: What is (or was) your favorite subject in school?
4: If you could choose any pet, what would it be?
5: If you ran a business, what would it be?
 6: What is your favorite flower?
7: What is your favorite color?
8: What book are you currently reading?
9: Which do you prefer, Sun or Rain?
10: What is your favorite type of tree?
11: What state do you prefer to live in?

I nominate:
Katie of Katie's Thoughts,
Miss April at Knitting With Arrows,
Mommy at For Where Your Treasure Is
and everyone else who reads my blog.

There. I am done!

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