Sunday, September 22, 2019

Would You Rather...

Today is the first day of Tolkien Week which means it is time for Hamlette's Tolkien Blog Party. This is the seventh year she is hosting it and the first year I am participating. She has decided that this year's tag is going to be a Would You Rather edition.
Let's jump in.

1.  ...join Thorin's Company or the Fellowship? 
Thorin's Company. Nobody died until the end. 
2.  ...ride Shadowfax or an eagle?
I would rather an eagle because they can fly. I would rather Shadowfax because I don't have to worry about falling off. 3. through Moria or Mirkwood?
Mirkwood as it was before the dark ages. 4.  ...learn to make elvish rope or mithril chainmail?
Elvish rope. I would rather not have a need for chainmail. 5.  ...try to outwit Smaug or Saruman?
If I knew I could do it, Saruman. Of I thought I couldn't, Smaug. He seems easier. 6.  ...spend an hour with Grima Wormtongue or Denethor?
Denethor. The effects of Grima would probably be worse.7.  ...attend Faramir's wedding or Samwise's wedding?
Sam's. The Shore seems like a better location. 8.  ...have to care for the One Ring or the Arkenstone for a day?
The Arkenstone. It didn't appear to have any effect on Bilbo.9.  ...have tea with Bilbo or Frodo?
Bilbo all the way.10.  ...fight alongside Boromir or Eomer?
Boromir. Unless the orcs are looking for short people. Then Eomer. 

I hope you enjoyed reading my answers. What would you rather? Tell me in the comments below.


Olivia said...

Nice answers! I agree, the Arkenstone just seems a safer choice, even if it causes "gold sickness" or whatever that is.

Kelly-Anne ♥ The Diary of a Country Girl said...

Oh, I loved your answers! I too would much rather carry the Arkenstone...and yes, falling off an eagle would frighten me terribly!
Lovely to stop by for a visit with you!

Victoria said...

No one died at all in the fellowship...

Erudessa Aranduriel said...

Yep, I'd definitely go for the Arkenstone! And great answers!

Heidi said...

Good answers -- and enjoyed finding your blog!

Hamlette (Rachel) said...

Fun answers! Yeah, your reasoning on #1 is sound, though more people of Thorin's company died in the end than the Fellowship, so there's that.

"Mirkwood as it was before the dark ages" is a great answer too! I hadn't thought of that angle, but it surely must've been beautiful once. And parts of it are still okay, like where the Woodland Elves hold sway.

Thanks for joining the party! It's fun to get to know you a bit :-)

Hamlette (Rachel) said...

Oh, forgot to say your answer to #10 cracked me up :-)

Jenelle Leanne said...

"Unless the orcs are looking for short people!" That was awesome!

Fun seeing everyone's answers to the tag!